Brian Campbell Photography

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A Union Legacy

It would be easy to write about how my grandfather taught me important lessons and ingrained in me a work ethic that has made all the difference in my life. And that would be true, but it’s not what “Pop” was really about. He wasn’t really one to lecture. I learned from spending time and interacting with him - not from grand speeches about how the world works. That subtle touch was what made him so incredible to spend time with.

He may not have intoned often… but let me tell you, the man could tell a story. I can still picture the look on his face when he would start in on one of his favorite yarns… his eyes narrowed, a mischievous grin engulfing his face. If it was a real doozy - he’d slap his hand on the table and chuckle to himself as the rich and joyous details rushed back to him.

My grandfather was a plumber. He was a Union Plumber. It was from him that I learned the value of being in a labor union. I wasn’t alive for much of his working life, but I saw the imprint of his membership in a labor union. His comfortable retirement, where he and my grandmother traveled freely. His health coverage that never left him to worry about being able to afford to see a doctor. (He still complained about Doctors, mind you… just not the cost of them). These parts of his life after retiring are things that I’ve learned were only guaranteed because he was union member.

When I reached a point in my television career where I was able to join a union of my own, I remember how proud I was to share the news with him. When I changed jobs, and switched from NABET/CWA to IBEW, I’ll always remember his reply, “Oh, that’s great! The electricians have a really great union!” That endorsement meant the world to me. I’ve never wanted to leave IBEW since.

When my grandfather passed - the most important thing for me was to keep his union service pins. They are powerful reminders of his membership, and the incredible life he was able to live because of it.

This is why it is so important for me photographically to chronicle the important work the modern labor movement is doing on behalf of its members. I am exceedingly lucky that my photographic life has allowed me to work with the incredible members of IBEW Local 569.

Behind the scenes photos of me courtesy Gretchen Newsom.

It’s allowed me to make photos of my fellow members of Local 45.

It’s what drives me to make a difference with my photography. To honor my grandfather, who would have turned 108 today.

In Solidarity, Always. - B